It's not easy spending money on something you're not even sure you'll like. 

We are so darn confident in our product and its functionality that we'll gladly offer you a refund if you are second guessing your purchase.

Confidence Is Key

We know 99.9% of those who have ordered from us will fall in love with our boxers and want to fill their drawers with nothing but our Boxers.

We Are Giving Back

Didn't like them? Well, someone else will put them to good use! The few pre-worn boxers that we do receive back are donated to Local Homeless Shelters. Learn more about our pledge here.

The Sad Truth

MOST online clothing retailers will receive a worn return, wash it and RE-SELL IT as if it were NEW! We believe that the second someone tries something on, it is instantly NOT NEW, especially boxers. So purchase with confidence knowing the boxers you receive have never been worn by anyone prior to yourself!


Looking to get your money back?Click here.

*As of now, Britha LLC Money Back Guarantee applies only to Customers in the United States